Monthly Archives: June 2010

I wish I was a….

Remember all the essays we used to write back in school? I am talking about the ones in Hindi or Marathi. The autobiographies.

No no, these were not autobiographies of famous people. Far from it! These were autobiographies of objects. Inanimate ones. I think it was a brilliant way to test our imagination and the extent to which we can push our vocabulary. After all we pretended to be an umbrella, a coin, a worn out shoe, a torn note and many more things. However, most of us just read a bunch of these from books and reproduced them in the papers. I guess it did help somehow nevertheless.

Moving on, I am all of a sudden got this urge to write those kinds of essays again. Obviously it has a lot to do with my curiosity. And this time it will not be like a day in the life of a coin or a shoe. It will be about how I wish I was a coin or a shoe and why. So from now on I will be writing some of these posts. Let me see where this leads me to.

10 things about the Delhi Metro

If some of you do not know yet, I am in Noida right now for the foreseeable future. So, being here for a week now, I have been finally able to get an internet connection and I have been itching to blog!
Here are 10 things that I thought of about the Delhi Metro.
  1. It is awesome! It really feels great to be in it. It is quite an experience when you get into it for the first time.
  2. It is Air Conditioned! This definitely a boon anywhere in India. More so in Delhi! They have somehow managed to keep the inside of the trains at quite a cool temperature in spite of the 45 degrees outside!
  3. It is really affordable! It has to be. But for an air conditioned transport it is surprisingly so. The distance which will cost you Rs. 5 in the Mumbai local train costs just Rs. 10 here. No wonder no metro transport anywhere in the world has been profitable. Neither will this be, otherwise it wont be affordable.
  4. Fully loaded! With all the jazz of escelators and automatic ticket entry and announcements in the train regarding which side the station will come (this kinda gets irritating sometime). All of this is great though.
  5. It is an equalizer. Where else will a businessman and a normal worker get into the same train using the same facilities and sitting in air conditioned comfort? No matter who you are, no second class or first class here!
  6. It is awesomely maintained! Everything looks clean. Minimum littering. Constant cleaning. Helpful staff. Great!
  7. It has some weird stickers. I saw one which wanted to say that this seat is reserved for pregnant woman. So it has a 3 figures. One was the pregnant woman, second was a man giving the seat to the shown woman. The third was what bothered me a little. A small boy holding the woman's hand. Why show a boy? Why show a second kid? Errrr, family planning?
  8. The entire system looks great from the outside. I mean beautiful! The steel cars with lighted windows whizzing overhead every 5 minutes! Then going underground. Some places have two levels of stations underground! The huge stations above the roads. I like it!
  9. I have absolutely no idea how the people living in the national capital managed to commute in the city before 2002! Absolutely sad!
  10. I love it! Just like I was in love with The Linker, I am in love with the Metro as well. It represents the same things for me that The Linker does. I cannot wait for the Mumbai Metro to be up and running!